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Indianized industry average annual increase speed up to 12% to 13%
addtime:Sat, 12 Mar    Hits:543

Recently held in mumbai, India's fourth annual meeting, India chemical prospects chemical council (ICC) chairman tapas Sarah rapture (arthasaraty R.P, forecast with the acceleration of urbanization and citizens to buy increasing ability of the chemical industry, India will be the next 30 years, with an annual growth rapid development can be 12% ~ 13%.

Scopus Sarah mention point to India is a multi-nationality country, unbalanced economic development, about 3 billion ~ 4 billion population for the middle class, 4 billion human poverty population, different stratums consumer groups of the chemicals demand growth space greatly. India is currently in rapid urbanization process, a large number of rural population will be transferred to the city, infrastructure construction will provide opportunities for chemical industry.

India citic prudential industrial company executive director Nick hale McCartney swan NikhilMeswani) expected, India (chemical industry market value will from current increased to $90 billion by 2015 15 billion dollars. Today, India's per capita income only $1000, lags behind China seven to eight years, will gradually achieve the $4,000, purchasing power will also strengthen. By 2025, India will become the world's fifth-largest consumer markets, especially in specialty chemicals demand will fast growth.

Citic prudential industrial senior vice President, jai wanigesinghe sand o said India polymer demand will by 2009 700 tons growth by 2015 1240 tons and 2020 20 million tons. But according to existing device to see, far cannot satisfy the demand, therefore, India need New Year addition of a world-class steam cracking unit.

Multinational companies in India's investment also escalating. Watts grams chemical company 2010 in India achieve sales 7 billion euros. Watts grams chemical board members William sidon tower reul (WilhelmSittenthaler) expected: "by 2030 Indian city of population will grow to nearly 5.9 million people, but only to 3.4 billion in 2008, there are 68 city of the population will be over 100 million. This means that there will be approximately 25 million square meters of path requires done.the, new commercial and residential area as much as 7 billion ~ 9 million square metre, need new 74 kilometers of subway."

Scopus Sarah mention also pointed out that India chemical industry is facing with many challenges, including chemical a steady supply of raw materials, the public chemical plant location attitude, and attracting talent, etc.
